"Tis The Season"
How to stay healthy and lean through the holidays
It's every one's favorite time of year, the season of giving, receiving, hot chocolate, parties, and gaining pounds!
Well it doesn't have to be like that, in the next few paragraphs I will discuss what it takes to keep that trim waistline you have worked on all year from gaining a few inches over the next month of alcohol driven parties and days of eating left overs. Its not as hard as everyone thinks and you wont have to be in the corner all by your lonesome eating chicken, broccoli, and rice out of Tupperware. No, instead you will be able to enjoy those Christmas parties and enjoy the turkey and desserts as well. All it is going to take is a little will power and focus.
I'm going to list my top 10 tips for eating healthy during the holidays.
- OK, one of the most important tips I can give you is to never skip meals or try to starve yourself in preparation of the amount of food your about to intake before a holiday party or outing. Instead stay on track with all of your planned meals for that day so when you get to your party you will already feel full and not so hungry that you make bad decisions once you get there. You will be more likely to eat less food as well as make better food choices if you eat your regularly schedule meals during the day before you reach the party.
- Avoid drinking beverages high in sugar like hot chocolate or any sodas. Also avoid adding any alcohol to your drinks, not only are they going to add calories to your drink, they are going to lower your inhibitions causing you to make bad food decisions. Instead try to drink as much water as you can or if you need to even have some sparkling water to emulate an alcoholic beverage.
- When your a buffet style party be sure to fill your plate up with vegetables and then take smaller portions of the foods that you know are not going to be your best choices. So as you can see I'm not saying avoid those foods completely, I'm simply saying eat smaller portions of those foods.
- Plan out times to get your daily exercise in. I know I preach how important diet is but during the holiday season when you will be splurging a little bit more than normal it is important to get those workouts in.
- Eat slowly, as well as eating til your satisfied, not stuffed!
- If your going to multiple parties or dinners in one day and you overeat at one meal make sure you eat less at the next party.
- I have dieted for a bodybuilding show through the holiday season before and yes, I was that guy that brought his own meals to the party. Don't be afraid to bring your own meals. The is really important if you have many friends and will be attending a good amount of parties or dinners over the season. You cant eat what is there at every party you go to.
- Temptation can be a hard feeling to fight off, you will need to do whatever you can to avoid temptation. One thing I find works well is standing at least an arms length away from the snacks. The finger foods can add up and be very dangerous.
- Another way to avoid any temptations can be keeping your jaw active. This can be done through being the social butterfly of the party and talking to everyone or something as simple as chewing some gum. Anything that will keep you from making those bad food decisions.
- And lastly some times you just have to say NO!
As Always Go HAM,