We all have seen it in old school movies where the man lays down his jacket over a puddle so his lady doesn't get her feet wet but that is a gesture that is long gone in this society along with many other acts of, what I like to call "Manliness". Now I'm not Mr. Distinguished, I have been told on many occasions that " I am no gentleman". One thing I do like to pride myself on is my respect that I have for my significant other and how that relay's into the way my relationship plays out. This is not a normal blog post for me seeing that it doesn't pertain to health and fitness but this is one way you can become bad ass. Being bad ass doesn't mean how much weight you can lift, how long you can last in the mountains running on low fuel, or how fast you can drive a car in the quarter mile. Although those are all bad ass things to do, doing extreme things aren't the only thing that make you bad ass. It is more bad ass to be a complete gentleman to your significant other. They will respect you more, others will respect you more and hopefully you'll respect yourself more.
I've compiled a list of things that will make you a better man to your lady. These are my own personal views on this and I know not everyone will agree, but there are some things a real man should always do and never do. Some are really simple and common, some will take some time to correct. But fellas its never to late to change your childish ways and step on up to manhood!
- A real man always drives. Guys its not a good look when your girl is driving you everywhere. A few exceptions- switching off on a long road trip or the fact your ill.
- A real man always holds the door open. Come on guys this is a simple one.
- A real man follows through with what he promises her. Integrity fellas, if you need to look up the definition to that word ya have some work to do.
- Always let her sit down first and pull her chair out for her. A given.
- Open the car door for her.
- If she says shes cold she is indirectly asking you for your jacket or sweater, oblige.
- Be loyal, if your not happy don't waste her time or yours.
- Hides nothing, if your in love with her there should be nothing to hide.
- A women loves a guy that cooks, read a few cooking books and make her a nice meal.
- Show her your capable of doing laundry. She may not even want you to do it, but make an effort.
- Maintain your shit, keep the house clean and your personal appearance on point. You don't always have to be dressed to the nines but dress appropriately for any occasion.
- PULL YOUR PANTS UP!! Come on your a man now not a child. Get a belt and wear your pants at your waist.
- Watch less TV, and for the love of god stop playing video games with teenagers from around the world. If your going to watch TV watch it with her or try to get her involved in your interests, or play video games with her. It can be a fun thing to do together but playing call of duty with a 14 year old boy from Germany screams immaturity.
- Compliment her once a day and not with just words. Get her small little surprises. Make her coffee in the morning, send her flowers one day, start her car in the morning without her asking, or throw her towel in the dryer before she takes a shower in the morning so she has a nice warm towel after the shower. Be creative.
- Don't skip the foreplay! They love it and all though most guys just wanna get to the main course its going to be a much better main dish if take your time with the appetizers.
- Be yourself!
So those are some real simple ways to show your lady that you a man. If you already do all of these then kudos your a true gentleman. Pick one act at a time and start to do them for your lady and watch the difference in her demeanor.
As Always Go HAM!
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